Altomaxx Services Fast, Reliable, Cost-Effective Services
Altomaxx offers cutting-edge drone services revolutionizing data collection across industries. Harnessing drone technology, we provide unparalleled speed, accuracy, and reliability, empowering businesses with transformative insights and efficiency.


Confined Space Inspections

Confined space inspections require careful planning and specialized skills due to physical challenges and potential health hazards. Altomaxx offers safe solutions.
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Use Cases
Tank Inspections Sewer inspections Mine inspections Flare Stack Inspections HVAC Manufacturing Warehouse

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Ground Penetrating Radar

Ground Penetrating Radar spans many industries and is used in locating high value targets such as utilities, resources, and artifacts. It'ss potential applications are vast, from critical infrastructure to construction and archaeology.
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Use Cases
Ice Road Management Ice Thickness Archeology Pre-construction surveys Soil Analysis

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Drone bathymetry enables safe analysis of coastal, shallow, and open water areas. Bathymetric sensors convert sound into images, revealing the depths of rivers, lakes, and oceans with precision.
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Use Cases
Tailings management Volumetric data Sediment build-up calculation Subsurface mapping Underwater inspections

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Drone magnetometers swiftly detect metals, outpacing handheld devices. They generate geo-referenced maps and eliminate injury risks for ground inspectors.
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How Can
We Help

We partner closely with our clients to craft tailored drone solutions that directly address their operational challenges.
Let's discuss how we can elevate your projects together.
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